Published on 02/19/2018 9:27 am
Mistakes You’ll Never Make Again

“CONGRATULATIONS….   Riya” Riya was enjoying the attention and appreciation she was receiving. Her hard work bore fruits. She stood first in her annual exams for class 9.The urge to share this news with someone special engulfed her. Her enchanting green eyes were glued to the school main gate. Dehradun is famous for its scenic grandeur and its beautiful surroundings. The nature’s beauty around her did not fill the emptiness of missing that someone special. Riya stood there with her sullen face. She was in her school dress and her skirt was smeared with grease. Above her head a red board was hanging where it had been boldly written - Dehradun Convent School For Girls’. Riya’s family was her brother Chetan .He was not only a brother to her, he was Riya’s parent. Riya was parentless since her birth and all the responsibilities of Riya were performed by Chetan. Chetan took care of his responsibilities beautifully .

On his way to the school Chetan kept thinking of how his sister would look after 2 yrs. It was 2 yrs since he had seen her. He was curious about Riya’s result. Chetan could only imagine Riya for the similarity she had with their mother. What a relief it was to see the school gate. But, where is Riya?

Chetan searched frantically to find her in front of an ice cream parlor. Rapidly, Chetan was trying to cross the road to reach her. Riya’s face had the same fair complexion and pink glow on her face like their mother. Dimples made her face brighter as she smiled. By this time, Riya had already seen Chetan crossing the road. But with the bat of an eyelid, a bus hit Chetan, a heart wrenching sound broke off the silence and drew the attention of a huge crowd. Riya got perplexed, her entire body shivered and she could not move on anymore. The sound of that accident was echoing around her. She felt no strength in her body to walk to that spot.

She gathered strength and reached the spot to see her brother in a pool of blood.  She could not recall anything more thereafter. She had lost her consciousness after this…Though Chetan’s life was saved; one of his legs was permanently amputated.

 We haven’t thought yet what would be Riya’s future…if Chetan wouldn’t have survived? Chetan had made a will even at this early age. He even mentioned in the Will that all the interests from the fund specified in his Testament, will go to for the expenditure of Riya’s education. He appointed a guardian also for his minor sister. If he did not make a Will in favor of Riya, Riya would not be able to lead a good life as the said property would have to be distributed in accordance with law.

Chetan had seen the sufferings of his uncle’s family though his uncle had lot of properties and he took the decision that he will not continue the same mistake in his life. This thing can happen with any one of our society.. Chetan always believed on one proverb – “Man proposes and God disposes” and it is true that we can only make plans as we want but GOD determines how things will turn out.

No one knows their death date, it is a great personal practice to stay engaged in your priorities. I would like to suggest that waking up each morning and asking yourself that how I would show up today if this day was my last is not some cheesy motivational exercise. It’s a profound way to bring some urgency and commitment into your days. Most of us let life act on us – we are asleep at the wheel of our own lives. And the days slip into weeks, the weeks into months and the months into years. Before we know it, we are laying on our deathbeds wondering where all the time went. So make your Will without any hesitation.

To get help or to get hassle free services or to know more about WILL, please visit

Thanking You.

Wishing you a long and healthy life.

We celebrate your success in life .

Let’s add the awesomeness in our lives.

Author: Shreya Nandi (Legal Executive Officer)

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